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I wanted to be a part of the blog because I’m part Asian and the other part of my family is part Cambodian and a lot of people make fun of how I speak. "People have made Asian jokes towards me and have discriminated against me for being short & people would make fun of me or the way I talk and how my grammar is a bit off." My dad has the same problem as well, and it’s nothing I can stop. It’s the way I am. But that’s why I’m in the IEP program, to help myself. Equality is important to me because it’s a constant reminder to use the the Golden Rule, treat others the way you want to be treated, no matter your race or sexual orientation- we are all human. I’m tired of being hurt by people who offend my heritage. I’ve always been too shy to say anything, but if I had the chance now I’d tell them, “Stop. Your words are hurtful.” I wanted to share my story because I know how it feels to be made fun of, both for how I speak and for my physical features.
Jayna Thach