I don’t know if many people know, but I ran for student government in 8th grade and I didn’t get in for freshman year, so now I think it’s kinda crazy that I overcame and never gave up, and now for my senior year I am ASB president!
I am really proud of that because I didn’t think I had many friends in middle school, and to have people actually vote for me in high school and realize that people care about what I had to say or what I was doing made me feel good about myself, but also that I could help the community around me. My family and friends motivate me but especially my mom, brother, and sister because they all graduated from Milwaukie High School. My mom and sister were also in student gov here at Milwaukie High School, so it kind of pushes me to be the best person that I can be. The rewards from student government are just seeing people be happy at dances, or during homecoming week when we all get together and truly become a family and create a good community for the school. That is something that also motivates me, is seeing people be happy and not have school be a downer for everyone, but maybe be an escape from a home life or just somewhere to have fun before they have to go off to college or post high school plans where they have to start adulting.
I hope that my work in student government, and just around the school inspires other people to take action in their communities as well, because we need a lot more young voices helping adults and telling people what’s right and wrong in their community. Everyone is listening, everyone is watching, and what you say and do can affect things that you may not think you have the capability of affecting, but just know that you have a voice, and I hope that I have shown people that.”
(Spencer Persad, Senior)