My business name is Fruitful Interpretation Of Time (FiOT). I just thought of it randomly, it came to my head, and I thought it would be a good time, it’s a unique enough business name where it will hopefully stick with people. With FiOT, I really only chop up and re-workshop old, vintage clothes, or clothes that have been donated to me. The feeling of getting new clothes is amazing, but I could easily make my own clothes and it will feel just as amazing.
"Being a woman who is plus size, it’s always been hard for me to find the exact style that I like with the clothes surrounding me, especially with fast fashion evolving. I feel that if I stay sustainable and true to myself, then that will be better for our world."
"Being a woman who is plus size, it’s always been hard for me to find the exact style that I like with the clothes surrounding me, especially with fast fashion evolving. I feel that if I stay sustainable and true to myself, then that will be better for our world."
I started FiOT September 3rd, 2019, it was the start of something great. In early August of 2019 Alexa Stark, a woman I know who is a Portland designer and an icon messaged me and said ''hey I’m doing this teen workshop of repurposed clothes and I’d love for you to do it." During the workshop, the first thing I made was a literal jean jacket, I ripped apart two different jeans and sewed them together to create a jacket, like the one I’m wearing right now. I was this is exactly my style, oversized denim but very minimal.
After the workshop a friend of mine donated her old sewing machine to me from the 70’s, and I started sewing maybe a week or two after the workshop. At first I was just making stuff for me, and then maybe like four months ago I started selling my garments.
Since September, my style has changed a lot. I would say I have a lot of funky fresh pieces that I wear and sell. One is my basement business blazers. I love business wear, it’s my favorite. It was really hard for me to find sizes so now I just make clothes how I like, oversized and comfy, and style it as kind of a street wear. I also enjoy doing half and half blazers, and button ups, and maybe adding some unique panels of deadstock fabric in the back on any of my works. 95% of the apparel I do is upper body garments, shirts and jackets. I’ve made a couple of pants, skirts and dresses, but my go to is outerwear and shirts. I will be doing another flea market, April 4th, from 10am to 6pm.
"I feel like I have finally found something that I really cherish and enjoy and something that I’m passionate about. This has really opened my eyes. I would like to continue doing this, maybe go to an art school or keep it going in Portland. My number one goal for 2020 is to do an art and garment show. I want to merge some Portland artists and my work and maybe some other designers in Portland. "
If you’re interested in starting your own business, I’d say just go for it, try it, test your feet in the water, who cares. It might not feel like something is happening when you start but after a month, year, decades even, something will happen that will change you and make you totally confident and happy in what you are doing. If you ever need anything made, or if you see me walking around and you like my stuff, come talk to me I will definitely make it for you, just ask me.
- Ruby Webb, Junior