In Touch

"I came to Milwaukie from De La Salle in North Portland. Coming from a more black & latino school, we were often judged by how “Mexican we are.” If you like this, or don’t like defines you. Most of my life I have been very much in touch with my culture and race. My mom has taught me every important aspect and values about our culture, meaning every single part of our Mexican culture, we include everything. My mom was an artsy person, emigrating from Mexico in the 90’s, so she wanted her children to see and love the beauty of Mexican art and artists.

"But, sometimes because of how I dress or the music I listen to...I hear that I am “not Mexican enough.”

I am just trying to be accepted for who I am... if you are a good person... I don’t look down on anybody. I see it as another form of ignorance. Everybody says “if you don’t follow this you are not part of the culture." Yet, when I do my art I put Latino themes in there to show that I do everything to be one of the biggest parts of my culture and I am proud of it. For somebody to say I am not part of my own culture angers me and although I blow it off... those little things add up and they hurt."  

Jared Melgarejo Ramirez