
The Start Of Something Great

My business name is Fruitful Interpretation Of Time (FiOT). I just thought of it randomly, it came to my head, and I thought it would be a good time, it’s a unique enough business name where it will hopefully stick with people. With FiOT, I really only chop up and re-workshop old, vintage clothes, or clothes that have been donated to me. The feeling of getting new clothes is amazing, but I could easily make my own clothes and it will feel just as amazing. "Being a woman who is plus size, it’s always been hard for me to find the exact style that I like with the clothes surrounding me, especially with fast fashion evolving. I feel that if I stay sustainable and true to myself, then that will be better for our world." I started FiOT September 3rd, 2019, it was the start of something great.  In early August of 2019 Alexa Stark, a woman I know who is a Portland designer and an icon messaged me and said ''hey I’m doing this teen workshop of repurposed clothes and I

Proud Presidential Moment

Independent Woman!

Mind Power!

Leader In Her Field!

Thespian Dreams

Social & Political Butterfly

No Need

Against Me

Find Yourself

Off Guard

Speak Out

Open Eyes