
The Start Of Something Great

My business name is Fruitful Interpretation Of Time (FiOT). I just thought of it randomly, it came to my head, and I thought it would be a good time, it’s a unique enough business name where it will hopefully stick with people. With FiOT, I really only chop up and re-workshop old, vintage clothes, or clothes that have been donated to me. The feeling of getting new clothes is amazing, but I could easily make my own clothes and it will feel just as amazing. "Being a woman who is plus size, it’s always been hard for me to find the exact style that I like with the clothes surrounding me, especially with fast fashion evolving. I feel that if I stay sustainable and true to myself, then that will be better for our world." I started FiOT September 3rd, 2019, it was the start of something great.  In early August of 2019 Alexa Stark, a woman I know who is a Portland designer and an icon messaged me and said ''hey I’m doing this teen workshop of repurposed clothes and I...

Proud Presidential Moment

Independent Woman!

Mind Power!

Leader In Her Field!

Thespian Dreams

Social & Political Butterfly

No Need

Against Me

Find Yourself

Off Guard

Speak Out

Open Eyes